We are globally recognized as a leader in the prevention of cervical cancer.
We provide clinical training, research, and public policy guidance in cervical cancer screening and treatment, particularly for women in limited-resource settings.
BHI conducts ground-breaking research, publishes articles in national and international journals, & contributes expertise to guidelines worldwide.
BHI is active in creating national and international cervical cancer screening guidelines and leading organizations.
BHI applies the latest technologies to level the playing field in easily implemented screening and treatment.
To date, thousands of women have received life-saving screening and treatment because of BHI programs.
BHI provides training in low-tech, low-cost screening and treatment methods for use in low-resource settings.
Our partnership with the Ministry of Health of El Salvador has impacted many women with a country-wide screen and treat program. Through projects we support in Haiti, many thousands more are screened and treated. When screening is conducted, and cancer or precancer is identified, BHI makes sure each patient receives treatment at no cost to them, including follow-up care.
BHI worked with the World Health Organization and global health experts to write a manual to implement HPV screening in low resource settings. We expect this groundbreaking manual to re-shape cervical cancer prevention guidelines worldwide. There is still much work to do. Women are fundamental in shaping the future of families and communities. We can eliminate cervical cancer and save millions of lives with your support.